Free Recycling Workshop in Georgetown Set for Dec. 6; Businesses, Schools, and Municipalities Encouraged To Attend
A free workshop, “Recycling Makes Sen$e,” will be held from 9 – 11 a.m. Dec. 6 at the Sussex County Administration Building, #2 The Circle in Georgetown, which is hosting the event. The workshop is developed for Delaware businesses, schools and municipalities to encourage recycling activities at their facilities.
The workshop will feature waste prevention and recycling strategies, state and town recycling opportunities and information on available resources. Workshop participants will receive a “toolkit,” which includes a comprehensive guide to waste prevention and recycling, facility waste assessment instructions, tips on speaking with recyclers and templates on employee training.
To register for the workshop, please RSVP by Nov. 30 by contacting Bill Miller or Jim Short, DNREC Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch, 302-739-9403 or Bill.Miller (at) (dot) us or James.Short (at) (dot) us
The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control and the Northeast Recycling Council are sponsoring the workshop, which is made possible through a USDA Rural Development Solid Waste Management Program grant.
Technical assistance is offered as part of this project by contacting Mary Ann Remolador, Northeast Recycling Council at 802-254-3636.
Recycling saves energy, creates jobs and saves valuable landfill space. By recycling citizens can help conserve natural resources, reduce emissions of air and water pollutants and reduce greenhouse gas emissions that affect global climate change.
To learn more about DNREC’s programs to promote recycling and reduce pollution, visit DNREC’s web site, and click on “Division of Air and Waste Management.”